
The Scientific Advisory Board of the BMEL is organising an online lecture series* this summer semester on Mondays from 4 to 5:30 pm on the topic of the last report on "Neue Sorgfaltspflichten für Unternehmen des Agrar- und Ernährungssektors: Empfehlungen zu aktuellen Gesetzesentwicklungen".

The first lecture of the series starts on 22 April and every week a different aspect of the topic will be presented together with guest speakers from business, NGOs and administration.

*All presentations from the lecture series are now available on YouTube: Agrar Marketing

Repurposing agricultural subsidies” for the transformation of the food system: Scope, hope and challenges

07.09.2022 in Hohenheim (Stuttgart), 9.00 -12.15
Lecture hall HS 4, Castle („Schloss“) of Hohenheim (Stuttgart)


Organisers: Christine Wieck, Julia Reimers, Arndt Feuerbacher, Olayinka Idowu Kareem, Kristina Mensah

The term “repurposing agricultural subsidies” has gained traction with the recent FAO-UNDP-UNEP report (A Multi-Billion-Dollar Opportunity) showing that there is significant scope for “optimizing support for the agricultural sector” that will benefit the planet. The main finding of the report repeats well known facts (see annual OECD Agricultural Policy Monitoring and Evaluation) that globally, the “majority of support to agricultural producers is either price distorting or harmful to nature and health”.

In this pre-conference session, the objective is to discuss why subsidy reforms are still so challenging and what roadblocks may exist on the way to a successful “repurposing”. Providing different scientific perspectives and country/region case studies on approaches and challenges to “subsidy repurposing” allows the audience of this pre-conference session to broaden their view, why “transforming the food system” is easier said than done.

The workshop agenda contains presentations on scope, challenges and hope for policy reform processes drawing on recent contributions from well known scholars. This is followed by case study perspectives that highlight different aspects of the repurposing debate. Each presentation is followed by a brief Q&A session. 

Foreseen agenda:


Session chair: Julia Reimers
9.00 - 9.10Welcome and introduction to the topicChristine Wieck, UHOH
9.10 - 9.30Scope: Global scope for repurposingFlorian Freund, Thünen Institut, Braunschweig
9.30 - 9.50Challenges I: Political science perspective on stumbling blocks in a subsidy reform process, example of water policies (OECD)

Guillaume Gruère, OECD

9.50 - 10.10Challenges II: The political economy of repurposing subsidiesRegina Birner, UHOH
10.10-10.30Hope: Policy innovations and change processesJon Stever,, Dakar
10.30 -10.50Discussion with the audience
10.50 - 11.10Coffee break
Policy perspectives
Session chair: Mark Fynn
11.10 - 11.30Ideational struggles in agricultural policy-making: The reform of the Common Agricultural Policy for 2023-2027Pascal Grohmann, Humboldt Universität, Berlin
11.30 - 11.50Challenges in reforming EU animal welfare legislationSara Dusel and Christine Wieck, UHOH
11.50 - 12.10Repurposing agricultural policies in ECOWAS: the stumbling blocks in improving intra-ECOWAS agri-food tradeOlayinka Kareem, UHOH
12.10Wrap up and closureArndt Feuerbacher & Christine Wieck